West PDX

Criminal Defense 

When dealing with criminal charges in Washington County, Oregon, you quickly learn that you're not in Portland anymore. You will want someone you trust to stand by your side as you navigate the criminal justice system. I bring a light heartedness to the courtroom without compromising on fierce advocacy for your rights. With a strategic mind and a commitment to your rights, I’ll ensure your voice is heard.

Washington County Oregon Bar Association
Oregon State Bar
Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyer's Association

Client Centered Service

Trial Ready

Being trial-ready signals to the prosecution that you’re prepared to fight to ensure the best outcome possible.

Affordable Fees

Experience top-tier criminal defense without breaking the bank—quality representation made accessible for all.

Client Portal

Empowering clients with information at their fingertips with instant access to case files, calendars, and updates.

Defending Hope

Even in the shadow of criminal charges, we ensure every client sees a future beyond the courtroom.

Oregon Criminal Defense Blog

Easy to understand explanations of the criminal justice system.

June 21, 2024


Meet the Prodigal Lawyer.

Kevin M. Anderson isn't your typical criminal defense lawyer. After over a decade of practicing law as a civil transportation attorney, he left the practice of law right before the pandemic to start a silvo-pastured pig ranch. Four years later, the hogs are still in the forest while Kevin finds himself back in the courtroom. He's just as comfortable in the courtroom as he is in the pig paddock; ready and willing to do the hard work with a smile on his face.

Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.
